Cortex is back to give Crash hell, but that's not what it seems like at first. Crash's I victory dance got old after a while. Bad points? I thought the control could have been a bit tighter. It's like an old-school action game-you us want to keep coming back to it even though It's hard. The challenge level has been turned up on Crash 2, but in no way does it get annoying. I like the Warp Room concept that they implemented-much more fun than going from level to level on an island. The reflections, lighting effects and realtime bump that forms on the ground texture when Crash burrows underground are awesome. Needless to say, the voice booms.let's be thankful they didn't get Christopher Lambert! The graphic effects Naughty Dog put together are awesome. Naughty Dog got Clancy "Kurgan" Brown from Highlander to do the voices for Neo Cortex. Not only do they look good, they sound good.
The cinemas are probably some of the best in-game cut scenes I've seen (by in-game cut scenes I mean cinemas that use regular game graphics and not FMV).

The animation is flawless in both the game and the cinemas. They're super sharp, colorful and have no awkward break-up. They're easily in the top 10 best on the PlayStation. The list of positives outweighs the negatives by leaps and bounds. As you might expect, Crash 2 is incredible.